
Councillor Iain Sinclair

Falkirk North
01324 503632
Party SNP
Elected from 06 May 2022
Elected to 06 May 2027

Falkirk North

All Councillors in this Ward:



I am employed part-time as Communications Officer to Michael Matheson MSP.
I was employed with Michelle Thomson MSP - Communications Officer (ended 22 September 2022)
I am self-employed with Starbeard Designs - Graphic Design and Print
Other Roles
Nothing to declare
Nothing to declare
Election Expenses
Scottish National Party - Falkirk North Branch paid election expenses - up to £1,500
Houses, Land and Buildings
I am the joint owner of a property in Ward 6 - Falkirk North
Interest in Shares and Securities
Nothing to declare
Gifts and Hospitality
Nothing to declare
Non-Financial Interests
Lieutenant in 1st Falkirk Boys Brigade Company based at Grahamston United Parish Church, Church Street, Bainsford
Convener of Falkirk North Branch of the Scottish National Party
I am a Council Member on the General Teaching Council for Scotland as COSLA's Nominated Representative
Close Family Members
Nothing to declare