
Councillor Laura Murtagh

Carse, Kinnaird and Tryst
01324 506165 (office hours)
Party Independent
Elected from 02 August 2023
Elected to 06 May 2027

Carse, Kinnaird and Tryst

All Councillors in this Ward:



I am employed as a Communications and Case Worker for Michelle Thomson (from 8/12/2022)
Other Roles
Nothing to declare
Nothing to declare
Election Expenses
SNP Tryst Branch £980 Falkirk SNP Liaison Committee £108
Houses, Land and Buildings
I am joint owner of a property in Ward 4 - Carse, Kinnaird and Tryst
Interest in Shares and Securities
Nothing to declare
Gifts and Hospitality
Nothing to declare
Non-Financial Interests
Council appointed representative on Sestran (until May 2022)
Council appointed representative on Stirlingshire Educational Trust
Council appointed representative on Falkirk and District Twinning Association
Trustee: Warriors in the Community
Close Family Members
Nothing to declare