
Baillie James Kerr

Lower Braes
01324 506137(office hours)
Party Conservative
Elected from 06 May 2022
Elected to 06 May 2027

Lower Braes

All Councillors in this Ward:



Nothing to declare
Other Roles
Nothing to declare
Nothing to declare
Election Expenses
Falkirk Conservative Association Support
Houses, Land and Buildings
I am the owner of a property in Ward 8 - Lower Braes
Interest in Shares and Securities
Nothing to declare
Gifts and Hospitality
Nothing to declare
Non-Financial Interests
St John Slamannan 484 (PM)
St Laurieston RAC 328
Laurieston Lord Mountbatten LOL 298
Samuel Frickleton VC Memorial RBP 1917
Allied Degree's
Sir William Wallace Grand Lodge of Free Colliers
Redding and Westquarter Walker Club ABOD
Close Family Members
Nothing to declare